Express: Handling redirects

Redirects are common in Web Development. You can create a redirect using the Response.redirect() method:


This creates a 302 redirect.

A 301 redirect is made in this way:

res.redirect(301, '/go-there')

You can specify an absolute path (/go-there), an absolute url (, a relative path (go-there) or use the .. to go back one level:


You can also redirect back to the Referer HTTP header value (defaulting to / if not set) using


Lessons in this unit:

0: Introduction
1: Introduction to Express
2: Request parameters
3: Send a response to the client
4: Send a JSON response
5: Manage cookies
6: Work with HTTP headers
7: ▶︎ Handling redirects
8: Routing
9: Template engines
10: Middleware
11: Serving Static Assets with Express
12: Send files to the client
13: Sessions
14: Validating and sanitizing input
15: Handling form data