Forms 101: Form validation

Now this is a very simple example.

But I want to introduce validation now, because it’s a super important topic and it’s a feature built into the browser.

The most basic form of validation is to set a field as mandatory using the required attribute:

<form method='post'>
  <input type='text' name='city' required />

If you try sending the form with an empty input, the browser will raise a validation error, telling you to fill the field:

As you can see, the exact appearance of this error varies depending on the browser used (note: you can customize it, if you want).

We can use other attributes to do other kinds of validation for text input fields: minlength to set a minimum length of the string entered, maxlength to set a minimum length of the string entered. And pattern to specify a regular expression that will be used to validate the data (something a bit more advanced, but possible).

It’s important to note that this is client-side validation. You still need to validate data on the server, and return an error message if some data in the form is not valid.

Lessons in this unit:

0: Introduction
1: Creating a form
2: Submitting a form
3: Receiving the form data
4: ▶︎ Form validation
5: More tags useful in forms