Asynchronous: Async functions

Async functions are a higher level abstraction over promises.

They are built on promises, so they don’t replace. them, but they expand what promises can do in a really powerful way.

Async functions reduce the boilerplate around promises. They make it so much easier to use them in a more straightforward way.

Suppose you want to use the isFinished promise we defined in the previous lesson.

To use this promise you know you’d have to do something like this:

isFinished.then(ok => {

With async functions, you’d write it in this way:

const result = await isFinished

When the JavaScript engine sees the await keyword, the execution of the current function will halt until the isFinished promise is resolved or rejected.

There’s just one caveat: the enclosing function must be declared as async:

const doSomething = async () => {
  const result = await isFinished


We can’t call

await isFinished

outside of a function not defined as async.

And remember IIFE, immediately invoked functions? They turn out to be very useful when dealing with async/await, because we can create an IIFE to wrap an async function, and have a more clear syntax compared to defining doSomething and then calling it, like we did above:

(async () => {
  const result = await isFinished

Instead of using a .catch() block like in promises, we’d use a try/catch block, for which we’ll learn more about when we’ll talk about errors and exceptions, but here’s a sneak peek:

isFinished.then(ok => {
}).catch(err => {
try {
  const result = await isFinished
} catch(err) {

Lessons in this unit:

0: Introduction
1: Callbacks
2: Timers
3: Promises
4: ▶︎ Async functions
5: Chaining promises
6: Orchestrating promises
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