Functions: Immediately-invoked functions

An immediately-invoked function expression (we’ll call them IIFE) is a way to execute functions immediately, as soon as they are created, without waiting for another line of code to call them.

This is the syntax that defines an IIFE:

(function() {
  /* */

We used a pair of parentheses to enclose the function, then we append () to call it.

IIFEs can be defined with arrow functions as well, in the same way:

(() => {
  /* */

We basically have a function defined inside parentheses, and then we append () to execute that function: (THE FUNCTION)().

Those wrapping parentheses are actually what make our function, internally, be considered an expression. Otherwise, the function declaration would be invalid, because we didn’t specify any name.

Remember that function declarations want a name, while function expressions do not require it.

You could also put the invoking parentheses inside the expression parentheses, there is no difference, just a styling preference:

(function() {
  /* */

(() => {
  /* */

IIFEs are one of the rare cases when you need a semicolon in the previous line.

This is because of the strange syntax, JavaScript tries to concatenate the lines, and as it sees a parentheses opening, it thinks the previous line was a function name and now we add a parameter.

To fix this problem you might see this:

;(function() {
  /* */

This completely prevents the issue, so it’s a good practice when you write an IIFE.

Why do we need them sometimes?

We have 2 cases.

One is isolation from the outside.

Functions create a new scope, so any variable defined inside an IIFE is not going to “leak” outside. This is something very common when you have multiple pieces of JavaScript running in a page, that should not interact with each other. The best example of this is a WordPress site that has a dozen plugins all adding their own JavaScript.

If by chance two define a variable or a function with the same name, we have compatibility issues. IIFEs should help you isolate this kind of problem.

You can use this technique in your own code to isolate variables within a IIFE.

Another use case is when you have code that runs inside a loop, and you must do something asynchronously. We haven’t talked about asynchronous code yet, so we’ll leave this explanation for another lesson.

Lessons in this unit:

0: Introduction
1: Function parameters
2: Returning values from a function
3: Arrow functions
4: Nesting functions
5: ▶︎ Immediately-invoked functions
6: Recursive functions