More operators: More assignment operators

We’ve seen how to use the assignment operator = to assign a value to a variable:

const a = 2
let b = 2
var c = 2

This operator has several shortcuts for all the arithmetic operators which let you assign to the first operand the result of the operations with the second operand.

They are:

  • +=: addition assignment
  • -=: subtraction assignment
  • *=: multiplication assignment
  • /=: division assignment
  • %=: remainder assignment
  • *=: exponentiation assignment


let a = 0
a += 5 //a === 5
a -= 2 //a === 3
a *= 2 //a === 6
a /= 2 //a === 3
a %= 2 //a === 1

To be clear, the above operations are executed one after another, so a at the end is 1, not 0

Lessons in this unit:

0: Introduction
1: ▶︎ More assignment operators
2: Logical operators
3: Nullish coalescing
4: Optional chaining
5: Logical nullish assignment