Astro: JavaScript in Astro

In Astro components we can write JavaScript in the component frontmatter:

const name = 'joe'


and we can use any JavaScript variable we define inside the markup:

const name = 'joe'


This JavaScript is executed at build time.

It’s not running in the browser and it’s not ran every time a user requests the page.

To add JavaScript code that’s executed client-side, you write it in a <script> tag inside the markup:

const name = 'joe'



It’s important to note that Astro is processing this code and for example if you include it in a component that’s reused multiple times, the code is only executed once.

Also, any code is executed after the DOM has fully loaded because it’s loaded as a module (and automatically deferred).

You can opt-out of this behavior by adding an inline script:

const name = 'joe'


<script is:inline>

In this case the script is added to the page as-is, and if you try you’ll already see the difference, the alert() in this case is executed before the DOM is loaded (you don’t see anything in the DevTools inspector):

In this case, if you need, you have to wait for the DOM to fully load yourself, using an event listener:

<script is:inline>
  . 'DOMContentLoaded', () => {

You can also include JavaScript files in Astro templates, using relative URLs:

<script src="../script.js"></script>

or absolute URLs if those scripts are in the public folder:

<script src="/script.js"></script>

Astro bundles those unless you opt out with is:inline.

Lessons in this unit:

0: Introduction
1: Your first Astro site
2: The structure of an Astro site
3: Astro components
4: Adding more pages
5: Dynamic routing
6: Markdown in Astro
7: Images
8: Content collections
9: CSS in Astro
10: ▶︎ JavaScript in Astro
11: Client-side routing and view transitions
12: SSR in Astro
13: API endpoints in Astro
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