The DOM: Editing the DOM

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The DOM offers various methods to edit the nodes of the page and alter the document tree.


  • document.createElement(): creates a new Element Node
  • document.createTextNode(): creates a new Text Node

you can create new elements, and add them to the DOM elements you want as children, by using document.appendChild():

const div = document.createElement('div')
div.appendChild(document.createTextNode('Hello world!'))
  • first.removeChild(second) removes the child node “second” from the node “first”.
  • document.insertBefore(newNode, existingNode) inserts “newNode” as a sibling of “existingNode”, placing it before that in the DOM tree structure.
  • element.appendChild(newChild) alters the tree under “element”, adding a new child Node “newChild” to it, after all the other children.
  • element.prepend(newChild) alters the tree under “element”, adding a new child Node “newChild” to it, before other child elements. You can pass one or more child Nodes, or even a string which will be interpreted as a Text node.
  • element.replaceChild(newChild, existingChild) alters the tree under “element”, replacing “existingChild” with a new Node “newChild”.
  • element.insertAdjacentElement(position, newElement) inserts “newElement” in the DOM, positioned relatively to “element” depending on “position” parameter value. See the possible values.
  • element.textContent = 'something' changes the content of a Text node to “something”.

Lessons in this unit:

0: Introduction
1: The `window` object
2: The `document` object
3: Types of nodes
4: Traversing the DOM
5: ▶︎ Editing the DOM