VS Code: Terminal

We haven’t introduced how to use a terminal, yet.

But you should know that in VS Code you can open an integrated terminal by pressing View -> Terminal, or cmd/ctrl-shift-T.

From here you can now type any command line command, for example ls or cd.

If you don’t know what I’m talking about, don’t worry - we’ll talk about that in another unit.

Speaking of terminal, one thing you’ll find useful is that you can install the code command line utility, so you can open any folder from the a terminal using code ., or any file using code <filename>.

Lessons in this unit:

0: Introduction
1: The interface
2: Opening folders
3: Editing
4: Search
5: Source control
6: Extensions
7: Themes
8: Recommended extensions
9: The command palette
10: Shortcuts
11: Customization
12: ▶︎ Terminal